Home Solar

Curious how we turn your home into a powerhouse using sunshine? Become the local expert on home solar power, from sun to socket!

Solar in a Picture

Sunlight hits a solar panel on your roof making electricity. A box called an "inverter" changes that into power you use in your home, when toasting your breakfast or relaxing to music from your stereo. You get credit for extra energy you don't use and it's put back in the grid so you can use it later. Simple, clean, easy!

Solar in a Merry-Go-Round


How does sunlight become your air conditioning? Think about it this way.

Let's pretend you're sitting in a park in front of a merry-go-round. A smiling child grabs your hand and pulls you onto it. How do you get back to your seat? You can't run in the wrong direction and bump into all the bobbing horses and happy kids. It's easier to go all the way around and get off when you're at your bench again.

What are we saying here? You're sitting in a solar panel (the park) on a house (the merry-go-round). A ray of sunshine comes along ands grabs an electron (that's you!) and pulls you into the house. When electrons move around circles (called "circuits") they make electricity. You move around the circuits in your house and eventually get dropped off back at the solar panel (your spot in the park).

Electricity moves around circuits in your TV when you watch a game, in your fridge chilling your drinks, and in your air conditioning keeping your house comfy. Just think -- you could be making that electricity yourself, with sunshine! Get an iQuote now to see how it could work for you.

Solar in Suzie's Life

Let's introduce Suzie. Suzie's two kids sometimes forget to turn the lights off and it's no fun nagging them. Her husband loves his retro beer fridge in the garage but she knows it uses a lot of electricity. She would love to blast the air conditioning during the hot summers but she's concerned about the cost. She wants her home to be a comfortable place for her family but the utility bills are stressing her out.

Suzie just went solar with Sungevity. Now she makes most of her own electricity harvesting sunlight from her roof. Before, she was powerless to the utility, but now she has the freedom to run the air conditioning when she wants without worrying about the bill spiking. Her kids are still learning to turn the lights off but it's not stressful, and her husband still loves his beer fridge!

And guess what? Suzie is also saving the environment! In fact her friends are now asking her about her panels and she's able to tell them her home solar system saved the same carbon as taking 150,000 miles of driving off the road! Now she's a member of Sungevity's Sunshine Network and can see how many trees worth of carbon have been offset by everyone's solar systems together. Now she's a community leader helping her neighbors save money and the environment, while living more comfortably at the same time.

That's Suzie's story. What kind of story will you tell?

Solar in Your Life

How long have you been thinking about going solar? Wouldn't it be great if someone could just do all the research for you? And design the perfect system for your house, your needs, and your lifestyle? And then wouldn't it be amazing if you could speak to an expert to answer all of your questions about home solar and whether or not it is right for you?

We'll do it all. Within 24 hours. For free.

Request an iQuote now by typing your address into the orange box at the top and know everything you could possibly want about bringing home solar into your life.

Sounds too good to be true? Get used to it - welcome to Sungevity!

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