Solar Production Performance Guarantee

All of Sungevity's solar leases come with a Performance Guarantee – in a nutshell we guarantee that your system will generate the promised amount of electricity. If for some reason it doesn't (let's say it was a particularly cloudy summer) then we pay you the difference. You don't have to worry about anything.

How Sungevity Estimates Your Solar Production

Sungevity estimates the amount of solar energy that your system will generate using satellite imagery of your home and our proprietary super-smart software. Your iQuote accounts for the tilt of your roof, the amount of sunlight in your area and shade from nearby trees or buildings. We're so confident in the accuracy of our solar production estimate that we guarantee it.

Guaranteed Savings, Every Year

When you lease a solar system from Sungevity, your Performance Guarantee includes the amount of solar energy that Sungevity guarantees your system will generate for every year of your lease. If you sign a 20 year lease, you get a 20 year guarantee. If your system generates less than guaranteed during a year, Sungevity will reimburse you for every kilowatt hour that your system didn't generate at the price included in your Performance Guarantee. If your system generates more energy than guaranteed, this extra energy can be applied to future years.

Solar Performance Monitoring

solar production monitoring

All new Sungevity systems come with a solar monitoring system that transmits your solar production data over the Internet. As a customer you can visit OurSungevity to see how much solar energy you are generating and how much pollution you're keeping out of the atmosphere. Sungevity also keeps an eye on the output of your system, and we will contact you if there is ever an issue and work with you to address it. Here's a fun fact: the two most common issues for our customers have nothing to do with solar panels – either the internet cable gets unplugged by accident or the customer's router needs to be reset. Simple problem with a simple solution – plug in that sunshine!

Annual Performance Guarantee Statement

As a Sungevity customer you will receive an annual summary that shows how much energy your system generated over the previous twelve months. In most cases your system will generate more energy than guaranteed, and you will have a surplus at the end of the year. That extra energy is yours to keep, free of charge. Think of it as a gift for being a solar enthusiast! In the unlikely event that your system generates less energy than guaranteed, your annual summary will include the dollar amount that Sungevity is sending you to make up the difference.

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