1. Choose your solar and financing options.
A conversation with a Sungevity Solar Consultant will let you know how much money you can save with residential solar installation in California. We’ll design your system, provide an accurate quote, and explain your financial options, including applicable tax credits and incentives.
Best of all, we do this with you virtually so you don’t have to wait around for someone to show up for a visit.
2. We manage the whole home solar power installation process for you.
We take care of the planning, permits, installation, and any hurdle that might come up. Our installation partners will schedule a site inspection to assess your roof, make sure it’s in good condition for the solar panels to be installed and check to see if your electrical panel will need to be upgraded. Our team will also help you apply for state and local solar incentives.
Then comes the fun part, installation! After installation, our installation partner quality checks your system to ensure that everything is up to code, working properly, and ready for interconnection.
3. Congratulations! Your residential solar installation is complete!
You’ll be able to monitor your solar production with your mobile device or laptop anywhere, anytime, giving you peace of mind that your system is performing as designed. Not only can you feel good about using renewable resources, you can feel good about saving money on your electricity bill! Request a quote for your solar power home installation today.