Home Solar

Solar for Everyone!

Ten years ago, there were just 500 home solar rooftops in California. Today, that number is over 60,000 and California is well on its way to reaching its goal of one million solar roofs by 2018. Arizona is the fifth fastest growing solar state in the U.S. and has lower average prices for residential solar than you’ll find anywhere. Colorado is catching up fast thanks to a law that requires that 30% of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources by the year 2020. With 300 days a year of sun, Arizona and Colorado are poised to become the Persian Gulf of solar power.

Sungevity makes it easy for you to join the solar revolution sweeping the western U.S. Starting with an iQuote that's customizable to maximize your savings goals and a customer care team that's here to serve you, Sungevity proves going solar can be simple.

How a home solar system works.

A home solar system generates electricity from sunlight. Although they may look complicated, solar panels have very few moving parts and require little or no maintenance. They make no noise and no pollution – just clean, reliable electricity directly from the sun.

A Sungevity home solar system is comprised of solar panels, the racks for putting the panels on your roof, electrical wiring, and an inverter. Solar panels are mounted on your roof and wired together. During daylight hours they generate electricity and send it to your inverter where it then flows into your home to be used by your appliances. 

When you install a residential solar system, your utility monitors how much power you use. If your solar system generates more electricity than you need, your system will send the extra power to your utility, and you will receive a credit on your bill for the power you created but didn't use. If you use more power than you generate (like at night, for example) you draw power from your utility as usual. Your utility will bill you based on your overall electricity consumption, automatically factoring in your solar production. This is called Net Metering or Solar Bank.

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