A Sunny Act of Kindness

Here’s a story to warm your heart. John’s retired neighbor Mary needed help keeping her electric bills under control, so he helped her go solar. Read the story in his own words. Thanks for Generating Positive, John!

Solar installers arrived at Mary's house a few days ago

Solar installers arrived at Mary’s house a few days ago

“Our neighbor Mary lives in a small house bordering our produce field. She’s retired, and lives modestly on a fixed income. Like many of us, she’s watched as utility costs have gone up year by year. A few years ago, we replaced her drafty single-pane windows. Last summer, we blew in insulation to make her attic and walls more weather-tight. And in the last few months we’ve insulated her basement ceiling to warm up her floors in winter.

All these efforts have had amazing results. Her daily electric usage has fallen a long way – by 20 percent in the last year alone. And her heating oil usage has come down by about one-third. But despite all these efforts at efficiency, electric costs just keep going up. Over the past decade, average electric charges in this country went up about 4% per year. With almost all its customers affected by back-to-back hurricanes Irene and Sandy, our local New Jersey utility – JCP&L – has repeatedly been granted rate hikes. Mary now pays 18.4 cents for every kilowatt-hour she uses.

But all that’s about to change. Just a few days ago, a work crew from Sungevity, a solar power developer, arrived to install solar panels on Mary’s south-facing roof. The system will provide 94 percent of Mary’s electric needs. She’ll be left with a monthly electric bill of about $4.00. So she can relax about ongoing spikes in utility rates…”

Read the rest on John’s blog, Beloved Planet: http://belovedplanet.com/2014/04/12/clean-solar-electricity-for-your-home/

Ladies and Gentlemen, Turn On Your engines!

You read it right - these cars won’t “start” like normal automobiles. For starters, they haven’t been built yet!


The race is organized by Brightworks K-12 school and will work like this: all teams get the same container full of parts. All teams will have exactly one day to build their car from those parts. All teams have two forms of power: human, and electric. Only one team will win.


Solar-panelled Yabba-Dabba-Do-Mobile, anyone?

Sunny Valentine

Shivers, light and crisp, fleeting and hot. Air, cool and fresh, zesty and alive, dancing playfully. A delicious burning, an upwelling of yes, a candid frolic of splendor all simmer and burst forth. Ears, eyes, smile because they simply can’t not. Excitement, expectation, warmth, unbridled potential and untended appreciation.  Life, it seems, is amazing.


We all know the feeling. It’s been sung about, painted about, and written about for centuries. People have paid for it, lived for it, and died for it. It’s hard to describe but you know it when you feel it. It’s being in sun.


That’s right, being outside in the sunshine. It feels like nothing else.  (Except, err, maybe love gets a little close…but it’s really not the same.)


Valentine’s Day means different things to different people. To us it means appreciation – of each other, our world and the sun that powers it. We wish you a very sunny Valentine’s, and heartily suggest you step outside for just a moment, no matter where you are, and bask in the light. Happy Valentine’s Day!


(P.S. We just sung a love song asking our customers to be our valentines. For best viewing experience, please mute your speakers :)


I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

I’m not going to deny it — a partridge in a pear tree would be a pretty amazing holiday gift.  Ditto for twelve drummers drumming.  I would even settle for four calling birds, provided they turn their ringers off at night while I sleep [groan].


If your true love dwells more on the practical side of life (or doesn’t understand the magic that is the 12 days of Christmas) then you might want to drop hints for the following five solar-related gadgets and gizmos:


1.  The Ray Solar Charger.  Ever walked into a meeting late with your laptop that can’t hold a charge, only to find all of the outlets taken?  Quirky’s Ray to the rescue.  It suctions to a desk (or a car window, or any other flat non-porous surface) and provides enough juice to fully charge a cell phone.



2. Lux solar powered jewelry turns sun into swank.  Two hours in the sun equals four hours of dazzling LED “pearls,” which should be enough bling to impress even the grinchiest grinch.



3. A sun table comes in handy when you want to sit outside and Skype or Facetime with your friends , but your computer’s battery icon is lingering in the red zone.  When fully charged, the table provides enough power to fuel a laptop or portable TV for four hours.



4. Feeling the need to share your solar milestones?  How about a SOCIAL solar charger?



The Changers charger lets you share how much electricity you create via your social networks #ElectrifyingInnovation


5. If you’re been 0% naughty and 100% nice this year then you might just get away with asking for a hybrid automower (think Roomba, but bigger, badder, and with blades).  Yes, it’s $3,000, but it’s also “the world’s first fully automatic lawn mower that is partly powered by the sun”.



Those are my top 5 picks for solar gifts this season, so. . .


What was that?


I forgot the best one of all?


YOU’RE RIGHT!  I DID!  The best one of all is the gift of light to a child in need.  Sungevity has paired up with Empowered by Light to fight energy poverty in Zambia.  For just $22 you can join the battle and make a real difference in someone’s life.  You can donate a Pharox solar light here, or if you don’t have a PayPay account you can donate over here.  It might not be as flashy as a partridge in a pear tree, but the gift of light is the gift of education, as the lights allow students to study after dusk.


Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding line, and no way of knowing how near the harbor was. “Light! Give me light!” was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour.
Helen Keller

Creative (and Green) Halloween Costumes

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Phillip who?

Phillip my bag with candy, it’s Halloween!


With only 19 days left until Halloween many people are scrambling to find costumes that will win them first prize in the costume parade, or at least land them on a few of their friends’ Facebook walls.  Sungevity to the rescue!  We’ve put together some energy-themed creative costume ideas so that you can be the FrankenSTAR of any Pumpkin Ball you happen to attend.  Naughty nurses, provocative plumbers, captivating Cleopatras, and sexy Steve Zissous beware!


First up: a Save Energy dress with a solar module skirt.  This one is great if you don’t have time to create something from scratch and you just want to make a quick statement with your costume.


Next we have a homemade Renewable Energy costume. I found this one on Carla Brown’s website.  In her own words, “The wind turbine was made from a recycled oatmeal container attached to my bike helmet, with a plastic container on the front and cardboard turbine blades. The solar energy panel was my armadillo costume recycled onto a piece of cardboard wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. And the geo-thermal system running down my leg was my tent poles again.” Pure genius.  Snow White sidekick not included.


Erin Claybaugh (below) took Halloween LEEDership to a whole new level when she created her DIY costume.  If you have a cardboard box, some wrapping paper, faux moss, and a few micro plant pots then you, too, can be a LEED building on October 31st.  Just consider yourself warned: transportation might be a challenge.


Baby bump alert! Never fear, pregnant ladies, we have your needs covered too.  Just turn your belly into the sun and plaster the rest of the solar system on the remaining bits and pieces of your body.  Click on the photo to see 24 other remarkable costumes for women with buns in their ovens.


Are you into things that are high efficiency?  Obsessed with phylum Cnidaria? Yeah.  You look the type.  Why not combine both passions with an LED jellyfish costume?  Click the photo for instructions.  All you need is some rope light and a wash basin.


I saved the best for last.  Everyone knows the two people who show up to the party in the cutest couple costume always steal the show.  The pre-packaged plug and wall outlet costume is a classic, but if the power coming out of the plug is from fossil fuels then it’s also the scariest costume (and oh-so-passé).  ACK!


How about a sun and a solar module to light up the dance floor?  A yellow pashmina never looked so green.


Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Ben who?
Ben waiting for Halloween all year!

2011 Solar Decathlon

A decathlon without pole vault?  Without javelin throw?  But…But…


That just doesn’t make any sense.


Unless of course it’s a SOLAR DECATHLON!

If you follow all the solar news that’s fit to print then you probably already know about the Solar Decathlon, which officially kicks off tomorrow at the National Mall’s West Potomac Park in DC.  If not, here’s the background (straight from the DOE’s website):


The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon is an award-winning program that challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive. The winner of the competition is the team that best blends affordability, consumer appeal, and design excellence with optimal energy production and maximum efficiency.  Open to the public free of charge, visitors can tour the houses, gather ideas to use in their own homes, and learn how energy-saving features can help them save money today.

The first Solar Decathlon was held in 2002, and the competition is biennial, meaning this year is the 6th anniversary of the event.  Twenty teams from all over the world gathered in DC on September 13th to transform their cutting-edge designs into realities.  Tomorrow the homes officially open to the public.



The DOE Solar Decathlon official website has lots of bells and whistles, including time lapse videos of the creation of the solar village and photos of the houses from past decathlons.


Planet Forward also has an outstanding section of their website devoted to the Solar Decathlon, complete with snapshots of each team, videos, and even a matchmaking quiz where you can figure out (in 6 simple questions) which house is the best for your lifestyle.  I matched to the indoor/outdoor New Zealand house called First Light house



Take the quiz and find out which house is right for you, then share the results in the comments.

Making Mother Earth Happy

Roughly-to-scale representation of volume of CO2 you save by going solar

Today is Earth Day, and the blogosphere is awash with hundreds of lists of green living tips that you are more than welcome to print out and tape to your forehead.  Or…you can celebrate Earth Day by sharing this one simple fact with your peeps: Going solar will shrink your carbon footprint by 7.4 metric tons a year!

What does 7.4 metric tons of CO2 look like? Well, if it were pure carbon dioxide, it would fill a space seven times bigger than the interior of your home. But our atmosphere isn’t pure CO2 - in fact, only 388 out of every one million molecules in the atmosphere are CO2. At that concentration, you would need to fill the Dallas Cowboys stadiums with air three times to get 7.4 tons of C02 - the same amount that your system is removing from the atmosphere every year!

Or think of it this way, going solar is an even bigger carbon offset than if you stopped driving completely!  Your car isn’t the biggest contributor to climate change…it’s your house!

Bottom line:  Home solar is the #1 way to go green. Do it today (and then go buy some organic tofu and reusable water bottles).  Happy Earth Day!