Save the Delaware River

Going solar is bigger than just saving money each month on your utility bill.  Going solar is about being part of the solution.  It’s about standing up for what’s right and leading a desperately needed change in our energy portfolio.


On Nov. 21st the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) will vote on fracking regulations, that will allow thousands of gas wells to be drilled in the Delaware River Basin — the largest unfiltered drinking water supply in the world.  Join Mark Ruffalo in Trenton, NJ on Nov 21st to tell Obama, Wall Street, and the DRBC that our health and our lives are not collateral damage for the oil & gas industry.  Help stand up for New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

Visit the Water Defense website for additional details on the event.

For more information on fracking or how Mark Ruffalo is involved with Sungevity, check out our blog post from July 11th.