Sungevity Recertified As A Benefit “B” Corporation For The 4th Consecutive Term

Sungevity is recertified as a B corporation

For the fourth time, Sungevity has received certification as a Benefit “B” Corporation for meeting rigorous standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Too many businesses seek profit without considering the impact their business practices are having on people and the environment. Sungevity is part of the B Corporation community to change that definition of success, and because we believe that improving the process of going solar provides a critical service to the community. As a B Corp, we incorporate the three pillars of sustainability into our bottom line: people, planet, and profit.

As we state on our B Corp profile:

Sungevity is dedicated to providing affordable and accessible solar installation in order to combat the changing climate as well as contribute to the rising clean energy economy as a community.

  • Sungevity’s mission is to increase the amount of solar installed on Earth 700-fold before 2054 in order to meet the challenge of global warming by constantly making it easier and more affordable.

  • They aim to not only scale a pure solution to climate change, but, create new green-collar jobs and economic development opportunities in the clean energy economy.

  • By creating and spreading “sunshine online,” Sungevity aims to build communities across the globe that are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and moving forward to a clean energy economy.

Sungevity became a founding B Corp in December 2007 and has consistently placed on “Best of” B Corps lists since then, being recognized as Best for the World in 2012 and 2013. Sungevity is the only solar company in the top 10 PV leaderboard that is also a certified B Corp.

More than one thousand corporations have been certified as B Corporations since B Lab’s founding in 2007. Another B Corp, Taitem Engineering, is one of Sungevity’s Preferred Installers and serves upstate New York. Mosaic, a B Corp located in Oakland, California partnered with Sungevity to bring affordable solar solutions to North Carolina. To learn more about the B Corporation community, visit

Two countries down, 194 more to go


We’re shifting the power at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave – shifting to solar power, that is.

Four years after President Obama pledged to go solar, the White House announced last Friday that the President’s new rooftop solar system is finally up. The 6.3 kilowatt system is a similar size to what the average American household would install. What environmental benefits will the First Family generate from going solar?

Over 20 years, their 6.3 kW system will offset the equivalent of:*

  • 250,000 lbs of greenhouse gas emissions
  • 3,000 trees planted
  • 280,000 car miles

And, they get to be cool like Bo.

The much-anticipated installation proves that anyone can go solar, whether you’re the President or the President’s dog. “Solar panels at the White House are a really important message that solar is here, we are doing it, we can do a lot more,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said.

This announcement is a culmination of the Globama campaign, in which we partnered with and others to collect 50,000+ signatures urging the President to go solar. President Obama isn’t the first Head of State to power his residence with sunshine: President Nasheed from the Maldives installed a PV system on his official residence in 2010. Sungevity donated and installed the system, then helped launch the non-profit Solar Head of State to encourage more world leaders to join the movement.

Two countries down, 194 more to go. Shine on!

*Offset calculations are based on EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator estimates and NREL’s PVWatts Calculator

Sungevity Brings World Peace to Los Angeles

Have you seen the headlines?


We just brought world peace to Los Angeles.


No big deal.  All in a day’s work [brushes shoulder off].



We actually brought World Peace AND Ebanks to Los Angeles…Although technically they were already there…So I guess we just brought them to Hollywood and Highland.


Okay.  This is getting confusing.  I think I need to start from the beginning.


When we first heard about the NBA lockout we felt like we needed to do something about it, because while the solar job sector is absolutely booming, other job sectors are stagnant.  We offered an honest day of work to two of our favorite LA Lakers, Metta World Peace (formerly Ron Ron Artest) and Devin Ebanks.

Metta and Devin were a joy to hang out with, and let’s just say that they were a smidge more popular with folks than our usual staff ;-P


As the lockout continues will they be taking up selling solar and slinging GoodPops as a full-time job?  My guess is no since they have to hunch to fit into the truck, but they sure did seem to have fun during their brief stint as SFUNsters (Sungevity employees).  We officially extend the invite for them to join us at the truck whenever they find themselves craving solar powered deliciousness.  We won’t even make them work for the ice pops next time :-)


The Making of a Revolution



After a long summer on the road, Tonks is finally taking a well-deserved breather.  As she kicks back and gets a new mani, pedi, and everything in between, I am going to take advantage of the down time to  show you how everything started.  Do you remember those Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood episodes where Mr. Rogers gave kids insight into the unsolved mysteries of the world?  Mysteries like, “how are crayons made” and “what does the inside of a construction paper factory look like”?  This video you’re about to watch is our version of a Mr. Rogers peek at how we took an ordinary postal truck and transformed it into a Rolling Rooftop Revolution:



If you think this revolution is over then think again; we’re just getting started.


As soon as Tonks’ spa treatments are over we are loading her onto a flatbed so that she can bring solar power to the people in a new part of the country.  A part of the country that won’t scoff at the idea of eating ice pops in October :-)


P.S. If you missed the Mr. Rogers crayon episode (which is one of my all time favorites) click on the image below for an early holiday gift from me to you.  You’re welcome, neighbor :-)


DelaWHERE? Sungevity’s Rolling Rooftop Revolution Rolls On

Greetings from the road!  Wish you were here.

We’ve been traveling the Eastern Seaboard for a bit over a month now, with our last two weeks spent in New Jersey.  New Jersey was an adventure, to say the least.  We broiled under the steamy hot summer sun, got drenched in torrential downpours, and at one point we were even hailed on.  HAILED ON!  We mastered roundabouts, practiced our  accents (it’s wudder, not water), and learned that the Jersey Shore is way more diverse than MTV would like you to believe.



Huge thanks to WCBS, WPST, WMGQ, WJBR, New Jersey Solar Power, Officer Tyron McAllister, and so many others who helped make our New Jersey experience unforgettable.



The people we met in New Jersey were so diverse that we could never summarize them in just a few pithy sentences, but one thing is certain: people in New Jersey know a LOT about solar.  Out at the truck we were bombarded with questions about SRECs, rebates, tax incentives, financing, roof types, panel efficiency, thin film, inverters, and everything else…well…under the sun.


Like all good things, however, New Jersey had to come to an end.  We ended on a true high note: Tyler Arboretum.  Tyler Arboretum is actually just over the border in PA, but we won’t tell if you don’t.


How could we possibly top magical troll houses?  No way.  It was definitely time to move on.  Destination? Delaware.


Sure, Delaware is small, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t mighty.  A lot of impressive things have some out of Delaware.  Delaware was the first state to ratify the US Constitution, it’s home to the Dover International Speedway, the Victrola was invented in Delaware, and that guy with the really shaggy haircut who won an Academy Award earlier this year hails from Wilmington (congrats on that, Luke Matheny! Does your home have solar panels yet?)


We arrived in Delaware last night, and spent this morning distributing our all-natural ice pops in front of Bike Line (an adorable bicycle shop) in Newark.  We were a bit shaken up by the earthquake (literally), but quickly recovered since we’re all Californian and we know to dash for doorways when the rumbles start.   Tomorrow we will kick-off our day at a farmers market in Wilmington, but in the evening anything is possible, so stay tuned. With just two days in Delaware, we plan on making every hour count!



Rolling Rooftop Revolution: New Jersey Style

Welcome to The Garden State.



Most people know that New Jersey is the most densely populated state.

Most people know the infamous, “next exit” joke.

Most people can even name at least one famous person from New Jersey (Jon Bon Jovi, The Boss, and Snookie come to mind).


What most people DON’T know is that New Jersey is second in the nation in terms of the total number of homes and businesses with solar panels installed  In addition, New Jersey became the second state to install over 100 MW in a single year (2010).  The state that consistently tops New Jersey is California, but they are giving us a solid run for our money.  We’re glad they are, because the average retail price of electricity in NJ is over 16 cents/kWh which is one of the highest rates in the country.  Yikes!  Talk about a state that needs more distributed generation!


In short, New Jersey loves solar.  We, in turn, love New Jersey.  Our Rolling Rooftop Revolution sashayed into New Jersey last week, which was a homecoming of sorts since our lovely solar-powered ice pop truck was born there.  We spent the week showcasing solar and slinging free ice pops all over the Gateway region of the state.  Our events included:

  • Cooling down cinema buffs in Hoboken at Movies Under the Stars
  • Watching the Newark Bears take on the Quebec Capitales.
  • Meeting foodies and small farmers at farmers markets in Morristown and Highland Park
  • Co-hosting a block party for new customers in Rockaway

We have one more week in New Jersey, and provided that Mother Nature doesn’t decide to completely rain us out, we will be visiting Princeton, Bradley Beach, Point Pleasant, Asbury Park, Belmar, Cranbury, Cinnaminson, and Livingston just to name a few.


Hand in hand with Garden State homeowners we are making Dirty Jersey a whole lot Cleaner via the power of renewable energy.


And that, my friends, is something worth cracking open a Hibiscus Mint ice pop for!




Once Upon a Solar-Powered Ice Pop Truck

Here’s a little math equation for those of you who are into such things.  Don’t bother checking it — I already made sure it balances.


1 former USPS truck + 10 solar panels + a few planks of reclaimed Douglas Fir from a train station in Maine + 5 iPads + 4 vats of blood, sweat, and tears from Rob Ida Concepts + 70 gallons of fuel capacity + 1 enchanting playlist featuring 77 songs about the sun = 1 Rolling Rooftop Revolution!

Speaking of magic, I have seen people look downright enchanted when they first lay eyes on Tonks.  The orange!  The shimmering panels! The popsicle infographics! The free and all-natural GoodPops!  What’s not to love?  Have you seen her yet?  She is truly a stunner.   And the way she purrs. .  . It’s like being in a room full of elated kittens shaking maracas and shooting off M80s.  Soothing to say the least.  She doesn’t quite fit the required height/weight to get her onto the next season of America’s Next Top Model, but we’re sure if she qualified that she would win the runway walk-off. Va-va-va-ZOOM!

Am I biased?  Maybe, but I’m not the only person who is crushing on the truck. Our Rolling Rooftop Revolution was covered by Huffington PostLA TimesTreehuggerNY Daily NewsInhabitat, and too many more to count.  Our 250+ employees are also smitten.  They come in early and wait in a line that wraps around the block just to pose for a photo in a mock-up of the truck.

Elvis loves our truck too.

Honestly, how can you NOT love this truck?   She’s a biodiesel solar-powered ice pop truck driving around the Eastern Seaboard making people smile and giving them brief but delicious sanctuary from the heat.  How refreshing!  If I haven’t convinced you of her greatness, check out some of the pics from New York and Massachusetts on Facebook. While you’re already there, don’t forget to officially “like” our Facebook page.  We donate $1 to The Solar Foundation for every new like we get.


Switching topics slightly, do you know what state is often labeled “The Diner Capital of the World”?  Hint: it is also home to the Miss America pageant, jughandle turns, and the first EVER drive-in movie theatre.  If you guessed New Jersey then you get a gold star on your chart.  If you LIVE in New Jersey then you are in for a treat, because our Rolling Rooftop Revolution is headed there next!  Follow Sungevity on Twitter to find out when the Rolling Rooftop Revolution is in your neck of the woods. Or city.  Or beach.  Or whatnot.


Come on out.  Grab a free all-natural ice pop.  Pose for a pic.  Chat with us about solar. We can’t wait to see you there!