7 San Diego Attractions You Didn’t Know Were Solar-Powered

Solar panels shine at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park.

Solar panels shine at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park.

San Diego is crazy for solar (no wonder, with all that sunshine). The city has 197.5 megawatts of solar power installed - that’s enough to power over 40,000 homes. So, where exactly is all that solar power hiding? Turns out, it’s busy powering some of your favorite local attractions.

San Diego welcomes its new solar-powered bike share program.

San Diego welcomes its new solar-powered bike share program.

1. San Diego Bike Share

Start your solar tour at San Diego’s new bike share program, operated by DECOBIKE. The program features over 1,800 bikes that you can rent on demand from any one of these stations located all over the city. The best part? The stations are solar powered and they operate day and night, so you can cruise to your heart’s content.

2. University of California - San Diego

If solar panels make you smart, then the students attending UC San Diego are brilliant. UC San Diego has over 2 megawatts of solar power installed on campus rooftops and parking garages, including the beloved Englekirk Structural Engineering Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography support building, Nimitz Marine Facility and more.

3. Reuben H. Fleet Science Center

Always the trendsetter, the Fleet Science Center was the first San Diego museum to go solar. The Center has over 10,000 square feet of solar panels installed on its rooftop.

Solar canopies at the San Diego Zoo.

Solar canopies at the San Diego Zoo.

4. San Diego Zoo

If you drive an electric vehicle, you’ll go wild over the San Diego Zoo’s solar-powered EV charging stations. The Zoo installed 5 charging stations to meet the growing demand in San Diego County – SDG&E reported that there already are more than 10,000 EV drivers in their service area. The 10 solar canopies at the Zoo provide more than just electricity: they also provide shade to 50 cars in the Zoo’s southeast parking area. See what inspired the project here.

5. Stone Brewery, Escondido

Looking to kick back at the end of a long day? Grab a solar-powered beer at the Stone Brewery in Escondido. Their rooftop solar panels produce about 30% of the power for the brewery and restaurant, preventing approximately 160 metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere annually.

6. Gateway Chula Vista Center, Chula Vista

Chula Vista flipped the switch on 1,000 panel solar array in early 2015 as part of a campaign to win a $5 million Georgetown University Energy Prize. In March, Chula Vista was selected as a semifinalist and will compete against 49 other cities across America to see which creative strategies can best reduce per capita energy consumption. Georgetown University will announce a winner in 2017.

7. Christmas on Knob Hill, San Marcos

‘Tis always the season for solar. The lighting display known as Christmas on Knob Hill has been a San Marcos tradition for years - and now, the festive display runs on solar energy. The family behind the display reported that their annual energy costs, including the Christmas display, will decrease from $5,000 to just under $500.

Bill Gilfillen, Christmas on Knob Hill's Santa, is a happy solar homeowner.

Bill Gilfillen, Christmas on Knob Hill’s Santa, is a happy solar homeowner.

When In Drought, Californians Can Turn To Solar Energy (Part 1)

Skiers avoid dry patches at Squaw Valley Ski Resort. Credit Max Whittaker/Getty Images/New York Times

Yesterday, California’s Governor Jerry Brown imposed mandatory restrictions on the state’s water use for the first time in history. The announcement coincides with the end of another disappointing winter season for local skiers, who looked on enviously as snowfall set records in New England. The evidence is clear: the drought in California is serious, and it’s getting worse. So, why is solar energy making us hopeful? Because solar energy requires little to no water to generate electricity, unlike other energy sources, and it’s growing like gangbusters across California.

Governor Brown clearly didn’t come to his decision lightly. The California Department of Water Resources released data last month showing that the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada range has reached historic lows, containing only 19% the amount of water as is normal for March. The Sierra Nevada snowpack serves as a vital storage mechanism for water in the state: melting snow from the Sierras usually supplies 30% of California’s water during spring and summer months. Unless California sees huge snowstorms in the next two months, 2015 will be the state’s fourth consecutive year of drought.

Can we expect this drought to end soon? It’s looking unlikely. National Geographic reported last year that multi-year dry spells like this might be the norm for California - the previous 100 years were just unusually wet for the state. And according to a new study, climate change is only going to make things worse. Dr. Noah Diffenbaugh and his research team from Stanford University recently published data that shows a strong link between California’s drought conditions and human-caused climate change.

Source: Solar Power Growth Trends Per State in the USA, Live Green, Jan 2013

This is how the future of California’s drought becomes tied to solar energy. When it comes to solar, California leads the nation with more solar energy installed than any other U.S. state: 8,544 MW to be exact, or enough to power nearly 2 million homes. The carbon offset by those solar installations is equivalent to taking over 2 million cars off the road. (Figure derived from EPA carbon offset calculator here.) And solar is being installed at an exponential rate, so the story doesn’t end there. Solar’s success story in California is directly helping the state reduce carbon emissions and address climate change head on.

Moreover, solar is one of the least thirsty energy sources around. As we published last year, coal-fired power plants require 100-1,100 gallons of water to generate one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity. Nuclear isn’t much better, requiring 100-800 gallons. Solar, by comparison, requires as little as 0 gallons of water to produce the same amount of electricity.

Solar energy will not solve the drought in California by itself. Stakeholders across the state are tackling the problem from all sides, from reforming groundwater management regulations to constructing smart irrigation systems that use wireless sensors to measure precisely how much water a plant needs. When in drought, every drop of effort makes a difference.

This post is the first in a series on the California drought. Stay tuned to the Sungevity Blog for Part 2.