Tough Choice: Sell beef jerky, or cookie dough, or Solar?

Cookies, walk-a-thons, dance-a-thons, calendar sales…and solar? Since January 2011, has been injecting SFUN into non-profit fundraising campaigns everywhere. Over the past 14 months, we have helped raise almost $400,000 for non-profits and schools…that’s the equivalent of saving over 32,000 metric tons of carbon! Forget bake sales and telethons…when an organization’s member goes solar with Sungevity he or she gets $750, and the organization does too! It’s a win-win-win for the organization, the member, and the planet!



We just re-launched to make it even easier for non-profits to raise funds through spreading sunshine. As a mission-based company, we see eye-to-eye with organizations that strive to make the world a better place. We know resources at non-profits are precious, so we provide the tools to raise money without taking time from the noble causes these organizations are trying to help. Check it out, and see how some of our partners, like Green America and Amazon Watch, have helped their members power their lives with sunshine AND raise funds to support their good works.


It makes shaking our sales maracas so much sweeter.



Mark Ruffalo on Colbert on Fire on Solar!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our wonderful customer Mark Ruffalo, who was amazing in his interview with Stephen Colbert Wednesday night! They got heated up about issues like how fracking is poisoning American families homes, how to reach energy independence, and ways to embrace the renewable future.


Mark walked the walk by going solar with us last year and now has a beautiful 14 kW system in his back yard. Shine on, Mark!



Social Venture Network: Sungevity

Our founder Danny Kennedy talks with SVN about the economic inevitability of solar. Go Danny!


“Sungevity aims to help drive the transition to solar with what it calls “a rooftop revolution” over the next 10 years. Kennedy describes this as “getting as many people engaged in solar lifestyles as possible so they experience the benefits of it, they get the savings, and understand that it works and therefore they become advocates and evangelists for solar uptake.”


Read Full Article





What Do You Love?

We love solar. That’s why we do what we do. It’s why we strive to make it possible for everyone to power their lives with sunshine. We believe it will create a brighter, cleaner, more independent future, and we thrive on making that future happen today.


We love ‘solar’, but what does that mean? Do we love silicon chips? Copper wires? Aluminium racking? Inverters? Of course —  there are definitely some of us at Sungevity who do! But all of us love what solar does, what it represents, and what it enables, not just what it is.



Solar allows us to be independent and free. It allows us to take control of our lives and demand better. It allows us to spend our hard-earned dough on things we love, like family beach vacations and kids’ ballet lessons, instead of just keeping the lights on. Solar is a way of life - because it lets us live life to the fullest. Getting solar panels on our roofs isn’t the end of the journey. It’s the beginning. The beginning of doing what we love, with the people we love, more.


Sungevity was built on that dream. Live life more. We won’t have to worry about air-con in summer and fret over heating in winter. We can focus on what matters: snuggling with hot cups of cocoa around a storybook, splashing in the pool with cool ice pops, and living our lives surrounded by radiant smiles and boundless sun.


We started a Pinterest page to share all the things we love about life. From delicious home-cooked meals to the most beautiful beaches on earth, you’ll find it all on our Pinterest at We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


Sungevity is about so much more than solar. It’s about your life. Go live it - and shine on!




We did it! We finally did it. WE’RE OFFICIALLY ROCKSTARS.



Granted, if we had started out five years ago trying to become rockstars we probably would have built a different kind of organization than a solar company (a band, for example). But somehow we managed it anyway!


“Who why how what?!” you ask. B Lab, the people behind the B Corporation certificate, knighted us with the title. A B Corporation is ” a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.” We’re rockstars of the new economy — one that uses capitalism to make the world a better place.


And just like our guitar-shredding counterparts we couldn’t have done it (and continue to do it) without you, our amazing fans. We appreciate everything you’ve done for us and for solar. Fame never felt sweeter.




Full story here

Ladies and Gentlemen, Turn On Your engines!

You read it right - these cars won’t “start” like normal automobiles. For starters, they haven’t been built yet!


The race is organized by Brightworks K-12 school and will work like this: all teams get the same container full of parts. All teams will have exactly one day to build their car from those parts. All teams have two forms of power: human, and electric. Only one team will win.


Solar-panelled Yabba-Dabba-Do-Mobile, anyone?