Coming to a State Near You

April was an exciting month for us at Sungevity. By adding 5 new states to our coverage area, Sungevity was able to significantly expand the population which we’re able to offer easy, affordable and clean solar power. But we’re not going to stop there. We have 42 states to go! As you read this, we’re already beginning to assess what states make the most sense to branch out to next. As we make this decision, we consider a number of different factors:

1. Insolation. Obviously the more sun a state gets, the more power solar panels are able to produce. The good news is that US is fine when it comes to sunlight. In fact, every state in the continental US has higher insolation than Germany, where solar power is already flourishing.

2. Grid Electricity Prices. The beauty of the Sungevity Solar Lease is that many of our customers are able to see savings versus their utility bill from day one. We’d like to continue to offer this proposition, so it often makes the most sense to expand into states where the cost of a solar system spread out over a number of years (using a Solar Lease) is lower than the grid cost of the electricity that the system generates.

3. State renewable incentives. Many states want to see more power being generated by clean renewable energy sources and offer rebates to help cover the upfront cost of a solar system. Then there are also states that have adopted renewable portfolio standards in which utilities must generate a portion of their energy through renewable means or buy “Renewable Energy Credits” (REC’s) from those who do generate clean energy. States which offer higher incentives (through rebates or REC’s) are often those where it makes the most sense for Sungevity to offer Solar Leases.

We’d love to be able to serve all 50 states and have no doubts we’ll be there soon. In fact the changes that have made attractively priced Solar Leasing possible-lower equipment prices and more efficient business models like Sungevity’s to name a couple-are only continuing to move in our favor. We have no doubts that, given a little time, you’ll see Sungevity’s systems on rooftops near you, wherever you may be!

Who wants $17,000?


If you’re a solar homeowner, you already know that going solar is a good financial move because of the electricity bill savings. But did you know that customer-owned solar homes have substantially higher resale value?

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has just completed a thorough review of the effect of solar PV systems on home prices in California, and their conclusion is staggering:  The average non-PV home sold for $480,862 (in 2009 dollars).  The average PV home sold for $537,442.  That means that, if you own your PV system, you can expect your solar home to sell for 9% more than a comparable non-solar home in your neighborhood.

Or, to look at it another way, LBNL says that the premium on the typical 3-kW PV system is $17,000 — if you sell your home with a paid off PV system, you’ll get $17,000 more thanks to your solar array.  (The math is tricky — read the report if you want to geek out on the calculations).

If you’re leasing a system, keep the number 17k in mind when you’re considering whether to pay off the balance of your lease and own your system outright. Paying off your system will more than pay for itself in increased home value.

Factor in the electricity bill savings, and you have yourself a financial win-win. Factor in Mother Earth, and we’ll call it a win-win-win.


Making Mother Earth Happy

Roughly-to-scale representation of volume of CO2 you save by going solar

Today is Earth Day, and the blogosphere is awash with hundreds of lists of green living tips that you are more than welcome to print out and tape to your forehead.  Or…you can celebrate Earth Day by sharing this one simple fact with your peeps: Going solar will shrink your carbon footprint by 7.4 metric tons a year!

What does 7.4 metric tons of CO2 look like? Well, if it were pure carbon dioxide, it would fill a space seven times bigger than the interior of your home. But our atmosphere isn’t pure CO2 - in fact, only 388 out of every one million molecules in the atmosphere are CO2. At that concentration, you would need to fill the Dallas Cowboys stadiums with air three times to get 7.4 tons of C02 - the same amount that your system is removing from the atmosphere every year!

Or think of it this way, going solar is an even bigger carbon offset than if you stopped driving completely!  Your car isn’t the biggest contributor to climate change…it’s your house!

Bottom line:  Home solar is the #1 way to go green. Do it today (and then go buy some organic tofu and reusable water bottles).  Happy Earth Day!

Helping build 7 new solar homes

Sungevity Product Manager Mimi Roosli manages to saw some 2x4s without losing a single finger

When you see a Sungevity crew up on the roof of a house, it’s a safe bet they’re up there installing solar.  But this past weekend, Sungevity employees were actually helping build the roof itself.

Their volunteer efforts were part of the 2011 Earth Day Habitat for Humanity Build-A-Thon in East Oakland. The Build-A-Thon was a turbo-charged challenge to frame seven houses in four days, a job that would normally take months.

Contract Management Specialist Eric Spivey prepares to ascend to roof

The homes are being built green according to LEED standards, with extra insulation, double-paned windows and high-efficiency irrigation.   Best of all, PG&E has generously agreed to install solar on all of the new homes Habitat for Humanity builds, meaning ultra-low electricity bills for the low-income families who move in. What better way to celebrate Earth Day!

And the winner is…You, Our Customers

Earlier today, the PBS television program Planet Forward announced Sungevity and our founder, Danny Kennedy as the winner of their ‘Innovator of the Year’ award! Sungevity’s solar leasing concept was one of hundreds of ideas submitted. Ideas were reviewed by a panel of judges and voted on by the audience. Our online solutions that make going solar easier and more affordable resonated with the voters, and we are thrilled to generate this support among the public.

Here is the televised award announcement (or check your local listings here to watch it on TV with family and friends):

Though we are incredibly excited to have received this honor and want to thank everyone at PBS and Planet Forward for this recognition, it’s you, our Sunshine Network of customers and supporters who are the real winners here. You are the smart homeowners who are ahead of the curve when it comes to innovating the process for going solar and tackling our nation’s energy challenges. You are the ones spreading the word about solar savings made easy. You are the ones that should be commended.

As we look to keep expanding the Solar Social Network, recognition like this is incredibly humbling. We look to continue building out our network as we get ready to expand into the East Coast in a few weeks! And as we do, we hope to live up to the expectations of this Innovator award by continuing to push the envelope when it comes to residential solar, and bringing ‘sunshine online’ to as many people as possible.

Not just any old place to work

From Apr 8, 2011

Today we feature a guest post by our very own Susan Hollingshead, VP of Sungevity People:

Walking into the office, I can feel the buzz as I walk in the front door. It’s our monthly Town Hall meeting day and, as with every month, the excitement is palpable. We love gathering together this way, crowded between desks and cubicle walls, sitting on chairs, tables or the floor, standing room only in the back. We’re here to share, to update one another, to applaud our new team members and to learn who the new Sfunster of the Month is. (A SFunster is a Sungevity employee who has lots of SFUN carrying out our mission of Solar For Universal Need). I’m always touched by the fact that whether we’ve hired four or forty people that month, the applause for each is prolonged and genuine.

You can see that support for each other in so many of the ways in which we interact; from picking up our maracas and shaking them every time a sale is made to the orange t-shirts, jackets, sweaters and even tennis shoes that we delight in wearing for any and all occasions. We treasure our orange pool table in the kitchen area. It’s more than a pool table: it’s a symbol of our commitment to having Sfun together.

The Town Hall starts and I look around the gathering – bigger every month (we were 30 in January 2009, we’re 134 now and we’ll be 180 by July) - and think about the deep commitment to our work that I see in the faces of so many of my team members as they listen avidly to the folks in the Marketing Department present the campaign for 2011.

We come to Sungevity from many places, for many reasons. I’m sure that, for some, initially it’s the paycheck and the great benefits, maybe some are attracted to the company’s location in Jack London Square and the awesome views of the water. But at the end of the day, we’re here because we’re engaged, we’re excited and we believe in the mission: “Build the world’s most energized network of solar customers who power their lives with sunshine.”

We’re here to create something wonderful – a world that can truly be powered by sunshine. There’s no better time to be at Sungevity and live the dream. Each day we can see that our efforts, individually and collectively, can truly make a difference.

Save San Francisco’s solar rebates

San Francisco’s wildly popular solar rebates are in danger of being cut.  Since 2008, the GoSolarSF initiative has quadrupled the number of solar roofs in San Francisco. The program offers residential rebates of $2000 to $7000 depending on the homeowner’s income.

GoSolarSF is exactly the kind of smart, environmental leadership that makes San Franciscans proud. But the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has proposed cutting the program by 40%. What a shame that would be — with more and more homeowners across California going solar, how tragic it would be for San Francisco to be left behind. Come on PUC, we’re counting on you to show the kind of leadership we’ve come to expect from you.

Learn more about how GoSolarSF has been a net gain for San Francisco’s economy, and sign the petition to save it.