Solar stars could shine brighter still

We were pleased to learn a few days ago that, of the ten utilities ranked highest for use of solar power, five are in Sungevity’s service area-PG&E, SMUD, LADWP, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric.  The other five are Arizona’s Salt River Project, Arizona Public Service Co., Florida Power & Light, Public Service Electric & Gas (NJ), and Public Service Co. of CO-Xcel Energy (CO).

The rankings are based on the total amount of solar energy in each utility’s portfolio, which includes solar power generated by grid-tied residences with rooftop solar arrays.  In other words, there are quite a few Sungevity customers out there whose solar systems helped these utilities increase the share of solar power in their energy mix.  In 2009, while overall demand for electricity was down, these ten utilities increased their solar power integration by 66%.

Though the trajectory is positive, there is still a long way to go, even for PG&E, the number one ranked solar utility.  There are 85.2 megawatts of solar energy in PG&E’s grid, that sounds like a lot (whatever a megawatt is anyway), but it’s actually only….drum roll please-.14% of PG&E power mix.  (Note the decimal point-it’s not 14%, it’s .14%.  We need to break the whole number threshold and turn .14% into 14% tout suite.

-Erica Etelson

Globama in San Francisco

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On Tuesday (the 25th) the Solar on the White House Coalition braved the elements and headed over to the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco where President Obama was giving a speech and fundraising for Senator Boxer (CA). Amidst the crowd we encouraged the Obama family to install solar on their home. You also can show your support for our efforts to get solar installed by visiting, signing the petition and forwarding it on to your friends and family. Solar on the White House isn’t going to happen through the work of any single individual, but rather the concentrated efforts of an entire coalition. Join our coalition to get solar back on the White House and support renewable energy!

What will POTUS say?

“Last night, he was asked by donors at the big fundraisers in town. There were people with placards asking the question, outside on the sidewalk. And today in Fremont he’s likely to be asked by journalists the same thing:

Are you going to put solar back on the White House?”

Read more of Danny’s latest on SFGate’s City Brights.

Energy independence begins at home

President Obama is coming to town tomorrow to visit Solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer in Fremont that received a $535 million federal loan guarantee to build a second plant that will employ 1000 people.  Presidents don’t spend a whole lot of time touring factories but, when they do, they select their sites carefully.  Sagging auto industry?  Visit a GM plant in the mid-west.  Need to reassure worried NASA employees that they won’t be losing their jobs?  Head for the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

It’s noteworthy that the few manufacturing plants Obama has visited as President have mostly been in the green tech sector-a lithium battery plant in North Carolina, a wind turbine blade manufacturer in Iowa, an electric vehicle research lab in Pomona and, tomorrow, Solyndra.  You don’t need Cliff Notes to decipher the symbolism behind Obama’s visits-he clearly believes that clean energy technology is the path to rebuilding our economy, enhancing national security and averting climate chaos.

We’re pleased to welcome the President to the Golden State and to remind him that energy independence begins at home.  Nothing would symbolize his commitment to a clean energy future more than solar on the White House.  If you haven’t yet, take a moment to add your voice to the thousands who are calling for the Obamas to retrofit their home for the 21st century by adorning it with a PV array donated by Sungevity.  And be sure to check back later this week when we announce a fun new way to win prizes by spreading the Solar on the White House virus.

-Erica Etelson

Some good news amidst the sludge


“BP’s bad behaviour in the Gulf had made me glum and as a result I have failed in trying to blog at least once a week about good news in the clean tech space. But over the weekend I sat down to shake myself out of the numbness I feel when I see those pics, and remind myself that as bad as this oil spill is, it is a dying gasp of an industry on the way out.”

Read more of Danny’s latest on SFGate’s City Brights.